Frequently asked questions
Click on any of the questions below to find out more about accommodation at Teesside University.
Yes, once accommodation applications open (normally around February/March each year) a new email inviting you to apply for accommodation will be sent to you automatically once you have accepted your new course place.
All accommodation is either on campus or within a five-minute walk.
We do have accommodation for students, for their entire course, in halls of residence. Please contact us for more information on how to apply for this.
Once accommodation applications open (normally around February/March each year) an email will be sent for those firmly accepting a full-time course offer with a start date between March and October.
All study bedrooms in University residences have a minimum of a single bed, wardrobe, set of drawers, desk and study chair.
As all our accommodation is furnished - there is no need to bring extra furniture.
You may bring your own mini fridge for your bedroom but you are not allowed a microwave or any cooking equipment in your room. Any electrical equipment brought into University accommodation must be portable appliance tested. It is your responsibility to make sure this is done.
No, bedding is not provided so you need to bring your own. To make it easier you can buy a bedding pack from our online shop. This will need to be done before your arrival and it will be waiting for you when you arrive.
If you have a TV in your halls provided by the University you won't need to buy a TV licence. You will need a licence for a TV that you bring yourself. Please see information from the TV Licensing
With the exception of guide dogs and therapy animals unfortunately NO pets are allowed in University accommodation.
We provide free internet access to all bedrooms in University halls of residence.
Telephone lines are not provided. We provide free internet access to all bedrooms in University halls of residence. Wi-Fi is included in the cost of your rent and will be available from when you arrive.
Yes, we have some car parking spaces although they are limited. Students living in University residences are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Registered disabled drivers may park closer to their residences.
How to apply for a student parking permit
This depends on what accommodation you have been allocated. You can find further details in your 'Information for new residents' booklet. This can be found on the webpages related to your allocated accommodation.
Current residents
Reporting repairs is easy. You can either send us an email to or report it through your
accommodation portal or give us a ring on 01642 342256
Please note - By letting us know you are giving us permission to enter your bedroom with a master key if you are not present.
Yes of course, the room is yours from the start of term in September until the end of the contract period in June.
If you are not happy in your accommodation you may be able to move within University accommodation (subject to availability and an admin fee). You would need to discuss this with one of the accommodation team. You can either send us an email to or log your request through your
accommodation portal or give us a ring on 01642 342256
If you wish to move into private accommodation you would still be responsible for the rent on your current accommodation if we are unable to re-allocate the room.
You need to let us know that you are leaving the course by e-mailing us at
Once you have withdrawn from your course you will not be able to stay in your current accommodation. You will need to vacate and return your keys within 14 days of withdrawing from the University.
You will need to return your keys to the security office on the ground floor of the library, which is staffed 24 hours a day for any residence other than Cornell Quarter. For Cornell Quarter you will need to return your key to the Security on the ground floor of your residence which is staffed 24 hours a day.
Of course you may leave early, however you need to understand that will be charged up until the end of your Tenancy Agreement. You have signed a contract for your room until that date and we have kept it for you for that length of time. Please note that by handing your keys in and leaving early does not mean that you won't have to pay.
At the end of your Tenancy, you need to make sure your room is in a good and clean condition. Your accommodation keys should be returned and signed back in with the security office on the ground floor of the library. Cornell Quarter keys should be returned to the Cornell Quarter reception staff.
If you don't return your keys you will be charged for a replacement
Unfortunately not we do not offer this service as we are limited for space. There are however private companies in the area that will offer a storage service. We suggest that you look online to check out what is available.
We allow occasional guests to stay over for a maximum of two nights in every seven. This should not be the same two nights every week and should be with the agreement of your housemates. This should also not be every week.
We have three different lengths of Tenancy Agreement for our halls of residence so it depends on how long the Agreement is you have opted for. The lengths and dates are:
40 Weeks: 15 September 2024 - 22 June 2025 (Our standard contract)
45 Weeks: 15 September 2024 - 27 July 2025
50 Weeks: 15 September 2024 - 31 August 2025
We do have some accommodation available in halls of residence for returning students. We try to provide a number of rooms in each residence which are for returners.
We email all students who are living in our halls of residences around November time each year with details of how to apply for accommodation for the next academic year. We ask that you e-mail us at to confirm you would like to be considered and let us know of which residence you would like to be considered for. If you would like to share with friends then you all would need to apply and all say you want to share with each other. We give a deadline for which you should apply by (usually mid-December). We allocate the rooms on a first come first served basis. If you apply after deadline you can be added to a waiting list but we cannot guarantee any accommodation will be available.
All student rooms have high speed free internet access of 1GB.
Our internet partner is a company called Glide and should you experience problems with your internet supply you can contact Glide direct on the link below where someone will help resolve your issue.
If you lose your room key please don't worry. You will just need to collect and sign for the spare key.
If you live in Cornell Quarter go to the reception desk on the ground floor of Cornell Quarter. If there is no one there you need to go to the security office on the ground floor of the Library.
If you live in King Edward's Square, Parkside Halls, Parkside Village or Woodlands Halls you will need to go to the Security Office which is situated on the ground floor of the Library. The Security Office is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Spare keys from all other residences can be collected from the Security office on the ground floor of the Library which is open 24/7
When you collect your spare key you will be asked to complete a 'Replacement Key' form. If find the original key within 7 days, please hand back the spare key to the office where you got it and no charge will be made.
However, if you cannot find the original key you can keep the spare. We will need to order a replacement for which you will be charged for the key. This charge will be added directly to your student account.
When you arrive at the University you will register with the School you are studying in for a Teesside University Student Card (TUSC). This is a photographic identification card and is really important as it allows access to University buildings and in to all Halls of residences (Cornell Quarter, Parkside Hall, some rooms in East Parkside Village and Woodlands Halls).
When you arrive, you will be issued with a pin code for temporary access to your accommodation until you set up your student card.
If you experience problems regarding access to your hall with your TUSC, please contact the Accommodation Office - or telephone 01642 342255. The Accommodation Team will look into this for you.
When you arrive at the University you will register with the School you are studying in for a Teesside University Student Card (TUSC). This is a photographic identification card and is really important as it allows access to University buildings and in to all Halls of residences (Cornell Quarter, Parkside Hall, some rooms in East Parkside Village and Woodlands Halls.)
When you arrive, you will be issued with a pin code for temporary access to your accommodation until you set up your student card.
If you experience problems regarding access to your hall with your TUSC, please contact the Accommodation Office - or telephone 01642 342255. The Accommodation Team will look into this for you.
We have on site Laundries at King Edward's Square, Parkside Hall, and Woodland Halls. East and West Parkside Village have washing machines and driers in their kitchens which are provided by the University.
- The Laundry facilities are provided by an external company called Circuit Laundry. To operate the washing machines and driers you will need to download the 'Circuit Go' app, and then use either the app or the payment terminal within the laundry rooms to operate the machines. Full details can be found on the company's website.
- Any problems with the machines need to be reported directly to Circuit Laundry. Any problems with the washing machines in either East or West Parkside Village can be reported to us by emailing
There is always someone you can contact out of hours.
Student Wardens
A team of Wardens are based at each of your residences and are available every evening from 7pm to 6am every night during term time. There is also a Warden on duty during the daytime every weekend during term time.
You can contact them if you have any problems or issues or if you just need some help or advice. They can help with many things. These could include dealing with fire alarms, reporting emergency maintenance issues, letting you back in if you've locked yourself out of your room etc., someone is making a noise in your halls or if you're having some issues you need to talk to someone about
The contact numbers are on display in the entrance of your accommodation and will have been emailed to you at the start of each term. If you need to get in touch with them and you can't find the number, you can get it from the Security team.
The Security Team are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are located on the ground floor of the Library. They can be contacted at any time on 01642 342086.
SafeZone App
The University has signed up to a really great app called SafeZone. It's a free app for staff and students that connects you to the University security team if you ever need first-aid or urgent help when you're on campus. SafeZone can be downloaded to your mobile phone which will enable the Security team to know your exact location should you have a need to contact them for any reason.
Find out more and download it here
We recruit our Warden team each year to live in our halls, alongside our students.
There is a Warden Team (Team Leader and two Wardens) based at each Residence. One of the team is available every evening from 7pm to 6am and at weekends. You will get to deal with a whole range of issues students may have. This can be anything from dealing with fire alarms, letting students back in who have locked themselves out, through to reporting emergency maintenance issues, dealing with noise complaints and students who need a chat about a whole range of things. It's a great role, which helps build up your skills and confidence.
Adverts for the positions are posted on the University's website around Easter time each year. You must be studying on a full time course at Teesside to be eligible to apply. If you would like to apply just keep an eye out on the website or e-mail the accommodation office at at the beginning of April to see when the advert is going out.
We keep one University hall open for students who need to stay at Teesside over the summer. Contact us to have a chat about it. You can either send us an email to or log your request through your
accommodation portal or give us a ring on 01642 342256
As an international student you can arrive from Thursday 12 September 2024.
For students starting in January - your Tenancy Agreement will start in January and run until 23 June 2024 in the first instance. If you wish to stay beyond that date just contact the Accommodation Team to discuss this.