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Student Futures
Careers & <br>Employability

Careers &

Our award-winning Careers and Employability team works with you to map out your future career. Find hundreds of live vacancies, employers to meet on campus, plus volunteering opportunities to help you gain experience. Get the latest advice on interviews, job search and applications.

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More about Careers & Employability

Careers & Employability

CVs, application forms and interviews

Get ahead with up-to-the-minute advice to ensure your CVs, applications and interviews impress

Careers & Employability

Get advice

Whatever stage you're at with your career plans we can help you work out your options.

Careers & Employability

Finding jobs

Find the jobs that interest you.

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Changing or leaving your course

Irrespective of what stage you are at in your studies if you are having doubts about remaining on your current course we encourage you to speak to a Careers Adviser who will help you reach a decision about what to do.
Book an appointment to discuss your options

Working and studying abroad

There are many opportunities to study or work abroad, even if you can't speak languages other than English. Find out where across the world you can go, what your options are, what visa and work permits you'll need.

Working abroad

Study abroad

Career choices

To find out what career options are open and that match your interests and skills try the following links

Options with your degree subject

Options with your Apprenticeship subject

International students

We can give you practical help, advice and information on job hunting, making job applications and going for interviews. We can also advise you about the opportunities available for work and postgraduate study in the UK and overseas.

Guides to working and living in the UK

Global work opportunities for Teesside University students - for free!

Teesside University International Business School is a EFMD Global Network member. The membership gives our students access to the Global Talent Portal offering business related opportunities (Internships, Trainee Positions and Graduate Jobs) which will interest both UK and International students. The portal is accessible to Teesside University staff, students and alumni.
Register and log in with your university email address to access these opportunities

Find graduate job opportunities world-wide, build your CV and connect with over 700 employers.

Student Circus
Jobs for International students
Student Circus

Help for staff

The Careers and Employability team helps all students and graduates with career planning, job seeking and applications. For example:

  • Identifying options are or need help to make career choices
  • Help to prepare for interviews, develop a CV
  • Leaving a course/the University

The team comprises Careers Advisers, TU Recruitment Consultants and Volunteering.

Each School has named Careers Advisers and Recruiters. The Volun-tees team works across the University.

Students and recent graduates can come to a drop-in, book an appointment or email their enquiry.

The team also works closely with staff in academic schools to run workshops in the curriculum. They have many employer contacts who they bring on campus, details of which can be found at the top of this website.

Employability Skills and Information Presentations (Recorded)

Help for employers


Careers Fair

6 March 2025, 11am - 3pm (10am - 11am is quiet hour, booking required)

An exciting opportunity to meet with employers from a variety of sectors. Open to all students and graduates and free to attend.

Make the most of the Careers Fair More about the Careers Fair

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