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The Library

Top-class Library Management System launches Summer 2024

02 May 2024


Your Library is about to get even better with the launch of an exciting new Library Management System (LMS).

An illustration of two people using library resources in different ways
An illustration of two people using library resources in different ways

This new system is going to make a real difference to how we deliver Library services to you and how you can engage with the Library. Our exciting new platform will be introduced during Summer 2024.

We chose Ex-Libris to provide this platform and as such join with some of the best university libraries in the UK who also use this system. You will see a number of great developments over the coming months including a brand new Discovery interface which, employing AI technologies, will return a personalised mix of our print and online resources from any device. Such developments will greatly enhance your experience and your success. Read more here.

We look forward to keeping you up to date with the key milestones of this project and introducing you to the exciting new developments as they go live.

You can find more information about Ex-Libris here and about our project implementation and future plans by contacting the Library at

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