Drop ins are every Monday 1pm – 5pm on Floor 2 of the Student Life Building in Room 2.30b.
The Stop Smoking Service will be available on Campus to support all students and staff who would like to either reduce their smoking behaviours or become Smoke Free. We can offer support through 3 different pathways :
• Behaviour Change / Psycho-Social interventions - This approach can be taken and is most effective in people who simply want to make small changes around their own behaviours such as reducing their smoking – this should be viewed as a harm reduction route.
• Behaviour Change with Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) - This approach is most affective for individuals who wish to become abstinent from smoking behaviours. We offer a combined approach of Evidence Based Behaviour Change interventions along with NRT. We are able to offer a full scope of NRT such as Patches, Lozenges, Gums and inhalators as well as Vapes / oils. Following NICE Guidelines we are able to prescribe up to 2 forms of NRT per participant or alternatively participants can access 1 x NRT product and a Vape Starter Kit. The NRT element of this pathway will be available for 12 weeks but the Behaviour Change support can be as long or as short as required.
• SWAP 2 STOP – This is a light touch offer that simply involves swapping your cigarettes for a vape. The service will provide you with a vape starter kit which includes a Vape device and 6 weeks’ worth of vape oil / salts. Vape Kits are completely free.
For further information on any of the offers detailed you can contact the Stop Smoking Service at:
Email: stopsmoking@middlesbrough.gov.uk
Telephone : 01642 727579