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Student Learning & Academic Registry

Academic Registry

Academic Registry has key responsibilities and provides high quality professional support to the University and it's academic partners to deliver excellence in the learning and teaching experience that enables its students to achieve positive outcomes.

The Academic Registry team:

  • is the curator of the University's Quality Framework and the University's taught Academic Assessment Regulations and associated policies ensuring that they reflect national and, where relevant, international, requirements and good practice.
  • engages with the Office for Students (OfS) on the B Conditions of Registration relating to 'Quality, Reliable Standards and Positive Outcomes for All Students', with a particular focus on B3 continuation, completion and progression
  • facilitates external assessments such as the OfS Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), working across SLAR and the University
  • liaises with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
  • maintains oversight and management of the University's course approval and periodic review processes
  • works closely with partners in the UK and internationally to co-ordinate the approval and review of institutional partnerships and mid-point reviews
  • is responsible for the University's Continuous Monitoring & Enhancement processes
  • manages External Examining for Taught Provision
  • administers a range of sub-committees
  • provides a variety of CPD to support staff engagement in maintaining and enhancing academic standards
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