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Kathryn Elliott

Staff profile

My role involves developing and managing all our external partnerships including relationships with schools and colleges, community organisations and business and employer partners.

  • Head of Partnerships

Kathryn Elliott

What do you most enjoy about your role?

I really enjoy the variety of the role. One day I can be in front of a group of school or college students and the next day talking to business leaders. It’s also exciting to be part of something new and to be working in such an inspirational place as Here East.

How does your role benefit and support students?

My role is mainly focused on the recruitment of new students, so I work closely with schools and colleges to support them to make the right choices for the next steps in their educational journey. At TU London, all staff have their part to play in supporting our students. Everyone is on hand to answer questions, provide support and be a friendly face for all our students. There really is a lovely sense of community here.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

I can honestly say that the highlight has been choosing to come and work at Teesside University London. I started before the campus opened and it’s been amazing to watch the development of the University, I was able to see our first students start and graduate. I love being part of TU London as it’s so dynamic and constantly evolving and growing.

Why should students consider studying at Teesside University London?

Teesside University London is located at Here East, home to lots of businesses, large and small, and universities. The Olympic Park is such an exciting place to be and there’s always so much going on.

There are many opportunities here for students to find work experience, internships, graduate roles and to be part of a fantastic, thriving community. We have great staff, and our small size means you’re joining an inclusive, supportive environment. Our delivery model is designed to be flexible and ensure maximum success, whilst also giving students a work/study/life balance.

What is the best piece of advice you have for students?

For those thinking about coming to university, I’d say do your research and attend open days of different universities to see what’s right for you. For our current students, I’d say make the most of every opportunity,be brave and step out of your comfort zone. Most importantly, I’d say enjoy the experience!

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