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Alecia Cotterrell Profile

Staff profile

My role focuses on supporting students in developing the types of skills and experiences that would help them to stand out in the graduate market.

  • Graduate Talents Lead

Alecia Cotterrell

How does your role benefit and support students?

Enhancing communication and digital skills throughout their course, engaging in real-life, employer-led challenges or receiving careers advice on understanding how to succeed in their industry.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

Navigating career options can be such pivotal moments for students – I don’t take lightly the opportunity to play a key part in the lives of so many of our students’ journeys.

Why should students consider studying at Teesside University London?

We are built on an ethos of setting students up for Graduate Success. One of the unique benefits to studying with us that I am most proud of, and excited about, is the Core Curriculum and the wider Careers Support we offer – from the very start of your course, you will engage in employability skills development and wider industry to give you a competitive edge in the graduate marketplace.

What is the best piece of advice you have for your students?

When you’re not sure about what direction to go in career-wise – try a bit of everything! Also, be resilient – the people who you admire are the ones that ‘stayed on the bus,’ and didn’t give up at the first (of many!) hurdles.

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