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Why David Hockney’s Bigger and Closer is an important step forward for immersive art shows

Simon McKeown

Artist David Hockney has ridden many technological waves. While his mark-making has remained resolutely painterly, he has challenged the practice of painting. He was an early adopter of computer-assisted drawing, using the iPad and iPhone.

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Shin splints: an expert explains how to avoid them

Nathan Liddle

So you’re out for a leisurely jog and everything is going great – until you start to feel pain. That distinctive, shooting pain, up your shin. Even when you stop running, every time you put weight on your foot soreness shoots up your lower leg. There’s little doubt: you’ve got shin splints.

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Winter of discontent: how similar is today’s situation?

Christopher Massey

The UK government is battening down the hatches for a wave of strikes in December and January. Railway workers, nurses, ambulance workers, civil servants and postal staff are all set to take industrial action in the coming weeks in protest at wages not keeping up with inflation, with teachers’ and firefighters’ unions also balloting their members.

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In the media

  • Teesside University sees rise in student international mobility
    Northern Echo, Print and Web, 21/01/2025
  • Teesside and Edinburgh universities develop new carbon capture material
    Electronics Weekly, Web, 06/01/2025
  • New material could capture millions of tonnes of atmospheric carbon
    Carbon Capture Journal, Web, 06/01/2025

Media pack

Teesside University has a proud history of learning and teaching stretching back over 90 years. Officially opened as Constantine Technical College to support Middlesbrough's booming engineering and shipping industries in 1930, the college became a polytechnic in 1969 and then one of 14 new universities approved by the Privy Council in 1992.

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The communications team is responsible for the University's news and is the first point of contact for all media enquiries.

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