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Short courses & CPD
Education & Youth

Understanding Children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

You consider what it means to be a child growing up in a challenging environment, including homes where there is poverty, mental illness, domestic violence, abuse and neglect.


Credits: 10, Level: 4


Course overview

You are introduced to the challenges and rewards of understanding and working with children with social, emotional, behavioural, communication and mental health difficulties, including those that have had traumatic childhood experiences.

You examine the impact of these circumstances on children’s physical and mental health, social and emotional development, behaviour, relationships, educational outcomes and life chances You explore and discuss strategies for intervention and support for children living in these challenging circumstances. You also consider the rewards and challenges of working with these children.

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Summer university

Start date: Starts Monday 3 June, Mondays and Wednesdays for 3 weeks, 6-9pm

This course is now full. Please view our other Summer University courses

You can study up to 30 credits at Summer University and you can select up to three modules on the same application form. If you would like to add a module later, or change one of your choices, then please email

Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.

See more Summer University courses

Where you study

Middlesbrough Campus


Course details

What you study

- social, emotional, behavioural, communication or mental health difficulties
- a range of learning difficulties, disabilities and disorders, such as ADHA, autism, mental health difficulties and the effects of adverse childhood experiences
- attachment difficulties and disorders
- interventions for supporting children with recognised learning difficulties or learning disabilities
- challenges and potential rewards when considering a career in working with children that may have social, emotional, behavioural, communication and mental health difficulties
- essential academic literacy skills.

How you are assessed

You produce an academic poster (1,500 words) which focuses on one aspect of social emotional and mental health difficulties. You outline the difficulty, present the challenges this difficulty brings and suggest interventions that may improve the educational and life experiences of those affected by the difficulty.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

International applicants must have an IELTS overall score of 5.5 or higher.

Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.



2024/25 entry

Fee for applicants:

  • Length: Credits: 10, Level: 4
  • Start date: Starts Monday 3 June, Mondays and Wednesdays for 3 weeks, 6-9pm

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