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Short courses & CPD
Engineering & Construction

Engineering Principles SU (Online)

You explore a range of topics in electrical/electronic technology, chemical science and mechanical principles. You develop basic engineering knowledge and problem-solving skills to help you in your preparation for study on a University engineering degree. Ideally you will have at least grade C / 4 in GCSE mathematics, or equivalent, before enrolling on this course.


Credits: 10, Level: 4


Course overview

Primarily, you learn via online lectures with tutorial exercises used to test your understanding and reinforce your knowledge. In addition, recorded sessions are available so you can check back on topics

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Summer university

Start date: Starts Tuesday 11 June, Tuesdays for 6 weeks, 9.30am-4.30pm plus exam on Friday 19 July, 1.30pm-4.30pm

This course is now full. Please view our other Summer University courses

You can study up to 30 credits at Summer University and you can select up to three modules on the same application form. If you would like to add a module later, or change one of your choices, then please email

Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.

See more Summer University courses

Where you study

This course is delivered online.


Course details

What you study

basic electrical and electronic technology:
- DC circuits
- Ohm’s law
- series and parallel circuits
- Kirchhoff’s laws
- DC networks
- AC circuits
- alternating quantities
- resistance, inductance and capacitance
- simple series circuit
- introduction to electronics.

basic chemical science:
- physical and chemical changes
- elements, compounds and mixtures
- symbols and chemical formulae
- atomic and formula mass
- electron arrangement and bonding
- organic chemistry.

basic mechanical principles:
- beams
- static engineering systems
- shear and bending moment
- dynamic engineering systems
- motion and Newton’s laws of motion
- friction
- energy and energy transfer
- fluid mechanics
- introduction to fluid properties
- moments of area
- pressure in static fluids
- viscosity – its measurement and effects.

How you are assessed

You are assessed by a 1.5 hour online test in the final week.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

You require grade C / 4 in GCSE mathematics, or equivalent, before enrolling on this course.

International applicants must have an IELTS overall score of 5.5 or higher.

Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.



2024/25 entry

Fee for applicants:

  • Length: Credits: 10, Level: 4
  • Online
  • Start date: Starts Tuesday 11 June, Tuesdays for 6 weeks, 9.30am-4.30pm plus exam on Friday 19 July, 1.30pm-4.30pm

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