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Short courses & CPD
Attachment and Child Development Theory in Reports and Assessments

Attachment and Child Development Theory in Reports and Assessments

This two-day non-accredited short course is for social care practitioners and managers who wish to gain an understanding of attachment and child development theory.


2 days


Course overview

This course is ideal if you work within the Children and families social care workforce, including social workers and those from related professions.

You gain an up to date understanding of attachment and child development theory and the role it can play in assessing and supporting families.

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Where you study

This course is delivered on site at our Middlesbrough Campus.


Course details

What you study

This course aims to:

- explore how to draw confidently on attachment and child development theory in reports and court work
- assess cognitive, social and emotional development of children within their environmental context
- show how you can provide information about a parent’s sensitivity, availability and attunement, without necessarily using the word ‘attachment’
- explore ways to observe and ask questions to use these principles to understand parent-child relationships and behaviour that may be concerning or indicate risk
- apply attachment concepts such as the ‘secure base’, ‘safe haven’, mentalization and emotion regulation in different scenarios, including when working with children in care or adoption, parents with histories of trauma, and the role of your own attachment pattern in your practice.

This course is non-accredited.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

This course is suitable for social care (and related fields) practitioners and managers.



Career opportunities

You learn about child development and attachment and how to take this into account within your assessments of need and risk.



2024/25 entry

Fee for applicants:


  • Length: 2 days
  • Start date: TBC

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