The gender pay gap is an equality measure that demonstrates the difference in average earnings between women and men (developed by the Government Equalities Office).
Under the gender pay gap reporting requirements defined in 2016, the University publishes its gender pay gap each year, reporting on the previous year's gap.
Teesside University continues to strive to reduce the gender pay gap. The median Gender Pay Gap is 13.3% between women and men, with women lower. This represents a 2.9% decrease since 2022. This decrease primarily reflects an improvement in the distribution of females across the University's pay quartiles. In the upper middle quartile (quartile 3) there has been an increase of females rising from 280 in 2022 to 310 in 2023. The mean Gender Pay Gap is 12% between women and men, with women lower. This represents a decrease of 3.3% since 2022. There has been an increase of males in the lower quartile from 24% in 2022 to 29% in 2023.
It is important to note that the gender pay gap at Teesside University is due in the main to a vertical gap reflecting the fact that there is a high percentage of women in the University's manual workforce and lower administration grades.
View our Gender Pay Gap Report 2023