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About us

Lucy Philipson

Senior Lecturer in Responsible Leadership
Teesside University International Business School

Lucy Philipson

I was CEO at COCO for 13 years and as is the case with all UK charities, I was lead by a board of trustees for that time. I was also a trustee at Children North East and the Percy Hedley Foundation. The role of a trustee cannot be understated, trustees are vital to the governance of a charity, the financial stability and the strategic vision. Leading a charity can be very challenging and lonely but with the right trustees, you will always have support and guidance in times of crisis and a pat on the back when there is cause for celebration. Last week I received an award for my contribution to COCO from the first two trustees (Jim Panton and Steve Cram) that I met at COCO. They were not just trustees of the charity, they were personal mentors, emotional and professional support and critical friends.

COCO raises funds in the UK, predominantly in the North East and we spend them in East Africa to support communities through vital sustainable education programmes. Working with international partners comes with it's own set of challenges but the rewards can be enormous. Having a board that is representative of both the supporters and beneficiaries, is a difficult balance to achieve.

This trustee week I would encourage anyone who has a passion for giving back and a skill they are happy to share to look into becoming a trustee. It is often true that those who become trustees have the least time, they say if you want something doing ask a busy person and that is very true with good trustees. They are busy for a reason!

There is a shortage of women, young people and black and ethnic minority people across charity trustee boards. Diversity is key to good governance and strategic thinking and it is vital that the sector bridge this gap.

There are huge benefits, you will learn so much about leadership, philanthropy, governance and the charity sector in addition to the joy that comes with supporting an organisation that you believe in. Most charities will let you sit in on a meeting before you decide, what do you have to lose?

More about the community foundation trustee matching scheme More about COCO

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