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Lynn Murray

BSc Nursing Studies (Mental Health)

Lynn served in the army for 24 years before deciding to undertake a qualification in an area where she can help ex-serving personnel with their mental health recovery.

I would absolutely recommend Teesside to serving members of the military or those who have left. At the time of enrolling, I didn’t quite appreciate the support that I would be given throughout this course.

Lynn Murray

Why Teesside?

After leaving the army, I decided to complete a formal qualification to enhance the skills I developed during my military service. Teesside University was within travel distance of my home and provided the course and support that I needed. At the time of enrolling, I didn’t quite appreciate the support I would be given throughout this course.

Why mental health nursing?

I have always been extremely interested in mental health, and thought this course would lead to employment where I could further develop my skills, potentially helping ex-serving personnel with their mental health recovery.

Favourite part about the course?

I absolutely loved my time at Teesside. I enjoyed the research and learning about the science behind decisions made in the NHS. My learning on placements supported my learning at University, and reflecting on the practical experience helped me develop my skills further.

Tell us about the teaching staff.

The lecturers became more than lecturers, providing support throughout my study. They are passionate about mental healthcare and keen for everyone to succeed, encouraging each student to be the best they can. They created an environment where we could discuss sensitive topics without feeling judged, so we felt supported and understood. They kept my spirits up when I felt things were difficult and I am grateful – it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.

How has your course supported you since graduating?

I have been part of a team delivering streamlining activities within the healthcare environment in the Ministry of Defence. My course helps me consider things from a clinician's perspective rather than a financial perspective.

While my military career gave me good transferrable skills including commitment, integrity and professionalism, this course helped me learning about people from different backgrounds, ages, experiences and abilities.

Would you recommend Teesside?

I would absolutely recommend it to either serving members of the military or those that have left. There were ex-serving lecturers who understood the military and the challenges faced by those who have served when going back into education.

What advice would you give to students thinking of coming here?

Do it! The support you’ll gain is incredible and you can’t get a better teaching team.

I was lucky enough to benefit from Enhanced Learning Credit support through the army, so my first couple of years was funded for me. This was very easy to arrange through the University.

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