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University shells out on research

01 March 2002


The University of Teesside's Food Technology Centre is appealing for volunteers to take part in a series of focus groups looking at the marketing of new shellfish products for an international shellfish processor.

The team is looking for people who regularly eat in restaurants, take two or more holidays per year or regularly buy either the Marks & Spencer or Tesco's finest range and do not have an allergy to shellfish.

All volunteers will be paid £25 for the 90 minute session to discuss shellfish matters in groups of 7 to 10 at the Centre for Enterprise, Victoria Road, Middlesbrough. The sessions will run on:

Tuesday 12 March
Thursday 14 March
Monday 18 March
Tuesday 19 March

All events will begin at 5:15 for a 5:30 start, finishing at 7pm, with complimentary refreshments available.

Barry McCrea, Manager of the Food Technology Centre, said: "These sessions are another sign of how the private enterprise sector is working with the University on food related issues."

If you would like to take part in one of the above focus groups then please contact Barry McCrea by e-mail ( or telephone 01642 342441 / 91

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