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A Meteoric Reunion at the University

14 May 2002


Over 300 local secondary school pupils will arrive at the University of Teesside on Wednesday 15 May, for an Opportunities conference that celebrates the conclusion of their three years in the University’s groundbreaking Meteor programme.

The University launched the Meteor programme in 1999, initially involving six primary schools in central Middlesbrough. It aims to raise the aspirations of pupils, aged 10 and above, by inviting them into the University for a series of short taster activities, including science and computing. This is followed by a summer school with a wider range of activities, ending in a special mini-graduation ceremony for all pupils at Middlesbrough Town Hall.

Meteor has expanded with new pupils each year, and now involves 18 primary and 12 secondary schools. The 300 pupils visiting the University on Wednesday were all part of the very first Meteor intake from the following primary schools; Abingdon, Ayresome Junior, Breckon Hill, Newport, Sacred Heart RC and St. Joseph’s RC. They are now Year Nine (aged 13-14) pupils at eight Secondary Schools and are returning to the University, not only for a reunion but also to mark the end of their participation in the programme.

The pupils will now be able to participate in a wider range of activities and other similar programmes (Meteor Plus – for years 9,10 and 11) and remain in contact with the University. Other activities, including a Year 10 Lecture series, master classes, motivational visits, study skills and examination technique workshops will be offered to these pupils. During Wednesday the pupils will see performances by nationally recognised theatre group Cragrats, and then break off into small groups for drama workshops, with both the actors and BTEC Performing Arts students from Teesside Tertiary College.

There will be an opportunity to photograph the pupils in their workshops on Wednesday 15 May in the University of Teesside’s Main Hall, near the University’s ten-storey Middlesbrough Tower, at either 11am-12 noon or from 1.45-2.30pm.

Pat White, Schools & Colleges Liaison Manager at the University of Teesside said: “The Government in its 14-19 Green Paper: enhancing opportunities, raising standards is now placing an emphasis on the kind of work the Meteor programme has delivered for the past three years in our primary and secondary schools. It is entirely appropriate that the first cohort of pupils celebrate their progression from the Meteor programme with a careers themed Opportunities conference. The Green Paper identifies the start of Key Stage 3 – Year 9 as the beginning of the phase – and right on cue – the Meteor programme is delivering a key component of this – in advance of government! We hope that all pupils will be as enthusiastic as we are about progression from Meteor to other university activities.”

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