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Martyn makes a First-Class career move

22 November 2002


Combining a career in the fire service with part-time University study may appear a difficult task. But it’s one that Martyn Emberson has achieved. Following six years of part-time study at the University of Teesside, Martyn has not only clinched a First Class BA (Hons) degree in Business Management, but has also been awarded the Institute of Management prize, for best performance on the course.

Martyn, 43, from Marton, Middlesbrough, has been with Cleveland Fire Brigade for 18 years and is now a Divisional Officer Operational Support, based at the Brigade Headquarters in Hartlepool. His diverse role includes providing strategic support to Principle Officers and supporting four District Managers. This involves liaising with industry and other partner organisations that span the whole Brigade. In addition he manages the Brigade’s long term Special Projects, and is also responsible for the officers who plan the response to a major incident.

Father-of-two Martyn is originally from Grays, Essex. At the age of 18 he achieved three ‘A’ levels in Physics, Maths and Engineering Drawing. He said: “After my ‘A’ levels I’d had enough of education and wanted to see the world. So I trained as a navy officer at South Shields Technical College.”

During a four-year period Martyn toured the world three times on various cargo ships, progressing to Third Mate Deck Officer. He met wife Sue in Middlesbrough and decided on a career change. “The naval career wasn’t conducive to family life. I’d completed fire safety training on ships and the fire brigade seemed an attractive career. I liked the unpredictability of the job, you never know what’s going to happen two minutes down the line and you feel as though you’re doing something useful.”

Martyn progressed through the Brigade. He said: “When I reached the rank of Assistant Divisional Officer, I realised I needed a degree, to be more effective in the future. Absolutely everything in the course has been directly relevant to my job, such as project management, as one of my roles is to manage the Brigade’s long-term projects. The Business Strategy module was also important, in planning ahead for the Brigade. You were constantly stimulated as the modules changed every 16 weeks.”

Part-time study involved some sacrifices for Martyn and his family. He added: “Sue’s been incredibly supportive as we’ve had to delay holidays and I’ve studied on weekends and four evenings a week. I was over the moon to get a First Class degree and the prize; it’s made all the effort worthwhile. Sue will be coming to the graduation, along with my Dad Tony, who’s travelling up from Essex.”

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