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Teesside celebrates a healthy graduation

25 March 2003


Over 100 people will attend a special health and social care graduation event at the University of Teesside on Wednesday 1 April at 7pm at the Main Hall of the Middlesbrough Tower, off Borough Road, Middlesbrough. This will be the first official event to be presided over by the University’s new Vice-Chancellor, Professor Graham Henderson.

Each of the students will receive their University Certificate of Professional Development (UCPD), which are short courses in a variety of health related subjects. Courses include Leadership, Working with the Person with Cancer, Social Work, Mental Health, along with many others. Many of the graduates will be health care professionals, using the courses to improve their skills in the workplace.

Professor Henderson said: “I’m very pleased that my first event as Vice-Chancellor of the University is to attend the graduation for a strong community-linked scheme such as the UCPD programme. They represent the very essence of life long learning, something to which the University is fully committed. I’d like to congratulate all of the students on their success and I hope they all find their new skills to be valuable in the workplace.”

Students who have earned National Vocational Qualifications in health and social care related courses will also receive the certificates at this event.

To find out more about our range of UCPD courses, which are taught both in campus at the University and in local community centres, call 01642 384277 or visit:

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