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Bill Morris gives free public talk at Teesside

26 March 2003


Bill Morris, General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union, will deliver a free public lecture called Trade Unions in the 2000s at the University of Teesside on Wednesday 9 April 2003, 6.30pm - 7.30pm. It will be held in room OL1 in the Europa Building, off Woodlands Road. The lecture is open to all and refreshments will be available from 6pm. Bill Morris’ lecture is part of a series that celebrates Teesside’s ten years of University status.

Bill Morris received an Honorary degree from the University in 1997.

He will discuss the changing needs for Trade Unions in the 2000s in light of changing employment legislation, and the positive impact of constructive partnerships with employers.

With almost one million members the Transport and General Workers Union is the largest industrial trade union in the UK. Mr Morris joined the Union in 1958 and has since held a wide range of elected positions within it. He holds numerous other positions, including Non-executive Director of the Bank of England, Fellow of the RSA and member of the Employment Appeals Tribunal.

For more information about the Honorary Lecture series, call Sarah Buckley, Alumni Officer, on 01642 384255, e-mail:

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