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Get Ahead of Meningitis

26 September 2003


Students and staff at the University of Teesside are being encouraged to ‘get ahead’ of meningitis by recognising the signs and symptoms of the illness in a weeklong awareness raising campaign.

To ‘get ahead’, students will be adopting weird and wonderful hairstyles, inspired by a campaign by the Meningitis Trust. The Meningitis Awareness Week runs from Monday 29 September - Friday 3 October and is a joint initiative between University’s Student Services department and the Students’ Union.

Student Health Advisor Aline Marron says: "Many students fall into the 18-24 year age group whereby the incidence of meningitis is higher, so it’s vital that students are able to recognise the signs and symptoms and seek early medical attention.

“Even if they have been vaccinated against Meningitis C, they are still at risk from Meningitis B strain, for which there is no vaccine available. The hairstyles are a fun way of attracting people’s attention to a very serious issue.”

There will be an opportunity to photograph Aline Marron with Beth Huntbach, Education and Welfare Officer with the Students’ Union, who will be completing wacky hair-dos at 11am on Wednesday 1 October, in the Reception, First Floor, Clarendon Building. Please call the Press Office on 01642 342015 for more details.

Symptoms of Meningitis to watch out for include high temperature, vomiting, fever, headache, stiff neck, aversion to bright lights, drowsiness, joint or muscle pain and possibly a rash that occurs anywhere on the body and does not fade when the side of a clear drinking glass is pressed on to it. If you have these symptoms seek immediate medical help.

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