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Double success for twin sisters

21 November 2003


Tuesday November 25 will be a special occasion for twin sisters Nichola and Joanna Hornsby. For the duo will both be graduating from the University of Teesside in the same ceremony at Middlesbrough Town Hall. Nichola and Joanna, 26, will be receiving different degrees at the 10.15am ceremony, Nichola her BSc (Hons) degree in Nursing and Joanna her BSc (Hons) degree in Occupational Therapy.

Joanna, from Lazenby, is the oldest of the twins by ten minutes. She and Nichola both work at the University Hospital of James Cook. Nichola has worked as a Staff Nurse in the Cardiology Department since 2000, while Joanna joined the Rehabilitation Department as an Occupational Therapist in June this year.

Joanna said: “We’re not entirely identical, as Nichola is taller! We’ve always been very close and were interested in the same subjects at school. At 19 we went our separate ways academically, I went to study for my first degree in Stockton and Nichola aimed for Nursing. But here we are graduating on the same day and working near to each other in the hospital. Some people at work have mixed us up when we’re apart, but not when we’re together.”

Nichola, from Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, first graduated from the University three years ago with an Advanced Diploma in Nursing. She said: “It’s a bit weird that we’re going to graduate on the same day, and a coincidence, as I decided to top up my Diploma to a degree. Joanna and I have always wanted to work in health care, when we had careers assessments at school they always showed we were suitable for these professions. Although we’re alike, Joanna did pass her driving test first! We were due to sit our tests on the same day, but then mine was cancelled.”

Joanna and Nichola’s proud parents Adrienne and Roy will be in the audience at Middlesbrough Town Hall to see their daughters’ graduations. Adrienne said: “It’s tremendous that Joanne and Nichola have reached their goals in life. Our daughters have travelled the same path, but very much have their own personalities, views, likes and dislikes.”

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