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Anne’s a high-flying legal eagle

25 November 2003


Anne Lodge originally aimed for a Spanish degree, but then decided to switch to Law at the University of Teesside. The move has paid off, for Anne graduates today from the University, not only with a First Class LLB (Hons) degree but also four academic prizes. Anne will receive the Jacksons Prize, the Butterworth John Buckley-Atkins Memorial Prize, the Cavendish Prize and the Cleveland Police Prize.

Anne, 22, from Sedgefield, originally left Carmel RC Technology College in Darlington with A’ levels in Spanish, Music, Religious Education and General Studies. She was all set to move to Leeds and begin a Spanish degree, but then thought about Law.

Anne said: “I switched to Law as I thought it was such a fascinating subject, and a good general degree that could lead to a variety of professions. I’m so pleased I made this choice, I’ve had a brilliant three years at Teesside.

“I particularly enjoyed criminal law and family law, as you could relate these subjects to everyday life. You get brilliant support from the lecturers and I’ve also made some really good friends.”

In total Anne will receive £675 worth of prizes plus a £100 book token. Anne said: “With Christmas coming up these prizes have been handy! I was amazed to get so many. My Dad Martin is very proud, he’ll be coming to my graduation along with my sister Marie and my boyfriend Stephen.”

Anne wants to further her legal studies, with the eventual aim of working as a law lecturer.

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