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Donna’s a First Class graduate

25 November 2003


Living in her parents’ hotel from the age of four gave Donna Price the taste for working with people. She continued that interest in her teens, and will graduate today from the University of Teesside with a First Class BA (Hons) degree in Marketing and Retail Management. In addition to achieving the First, Donna has also clinched a new post as a trainee manager with Principles, based in their Middlesbrough store.

Donna, 21, lives with her parents Susan and Colin in The Corner guest house in Whitby. They bought the hotel when Donna was four. Donna said: “Living in a hotel was a bit strange at first, but I’m used to it now. It certainly gave me the taste to work in retail. I’m really pleased to get a First, all the hard work has really paid off. I’m also looking forward to my new job, putting all the retail theory into practice.”

Donna achieved three ‘A’ levels in English, Geography and General Studies at Whitby Community College before enrolling at Teesside. She said: “I enjoyed several of the modules, such as marketing environments where we looked at what external factors affect a business. We analysed a different case study every week. The retailing modules were good, with a lot of group work. This helped me develop communication and negotiation skills.

“The Business School’s lecturers were really good, friendly and took a personal interest in you. And the University’s Learning Resource Centre’s facilities are excellent.”

For her final-year project Donna explored the growing popularity of on-line shopping, by comparing the Internet shoppers of two major UK retailers. She conducted her research by leaving a questionnaire in her parents’ hotel. Donna said: “The Dissertation enabled me to develop my own knowledge of the retail sectors and gave me insight into the future of retailing. I was surprised by how popular the Net was with older shoppers. Consumers view online grocery shopping to be a positive move by retailers, and a virtual store online may also be a concept for the future, which was brought up in focus group discussions.”

It wasn’t all work and no play for Donna, as she combined work and study with her long-term passion for dance. She has been a keen dancer from the age of four and has gained teaching qualifications in Ballet and Tap. In 2001 she gained the Associate teaching diploma for Ballet and Tap and last year the LICENTIE Teaching Diploma for the Tap Discipline. Donna still practises weekly at the Benson Stage Academy in Whitby.

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