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Jodie’s just the job

25 November 2003


It's a double celebration for Jodie Allwood who will today graduate from the University of Teesside and receive a prize for academic achievement. She has also landed a new post in Trading Standards.

Jodie, 24, from Haworth in West Yorkshire, has achieved a BSc (Hons) Consumer Law & Consumer Science. She was also awarded the Avery Berkel UK Prize.

Now working for Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council's Trading Standards Section as an Enforcement Officer, Jodie said: "Now I'm working, I can see how relevant the course really was. I feel prepared for the challenge of putting My qualification into practice and despite completing the degree. I still have a lot to learn through the practical experience. I'm continuing with my education by taking professional qualifications, which will hopefully mean I am a fully qualified Trading Standards Officer by 2005.

“I am thoroughly enjoying working at Stockton and find the work very interesting. We are currently investigating under-age sales around the area, which I feel, is beneficial to the community. The whole work of trading standards in preventing unsafe and fraudulent business practices plays a very important role in protecting vulnerable consumers and reputable traders. There aren't many trainee positions available in the North East, so I was lucky to get this job. I definitely think the degree was essential and to win the prize, as well as getting the job, is a really nice bonus."

Jodie is the daughter of Susan Heaton and is the second in her family to get a degree, after Susan who holds a teaching degree.

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