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Teesside gets green light to expand foundation degrees

02 April 2004


The University of Teesside has been given the green light to expand its student numbers by over 800 over the next three years.

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Graham Henderson, said: “This is a strong endorsement for the University of Teesside and the progress it has been making in recent years; both in terms of improving our teaching quality ratings and in our success in launching a range of pioneering foundation degrees in areas such as chemical technology and health & social care.”

The extra student numbers come from a development fund set up by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to support the expansion of foundation degrees in universities and further education colleges. Teesside has been given the lion’s share of the extra foundation degree student places in the North East for the next two years, with a pledge of further support in 2006-07 if it meets its targets.

Professor Henderson said: “We know it is going to be quite a challenge, particularly at a time of uncertainty over the future of student funding; but we will do everything in our power to achieve the targets set and give even more people the opportunity to benefit from higher education.”

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