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Ranjit’s route to success

05 May 2004


A University of Teesside graduate has landed a full-time job with a local training academy after taking part in a scheme designed to encourage talented people to stay in the region. And not only did Ranjit Sambhi get a job, he also won £100 for the best work-based project.

Ranjit, 24, from Darlington, studied both the BSc (Hons) Multimedia and the MSc Graduate Enterprise in Multimedia at the University of Teesside. After graduating, he took part in Bridges & Routes - a scheme where graduates are placed with a local small or medium-sized enterprise for a period of 15 weeks to carry out a specific, usually IT-related, project. Ranjit was placed with the Galloway Training Academy, in Stockton, to assist owner-manager Elaine Galloway, create a multimedia-rich on-line shorthand course. With Ranjit's multi-media and skills and Elaine's teaching skills, the duo soon created the first on-line shorthand course. The system is so successful, that Ranjit has joined the Galloway Training Academy full-time as Multimedia Development Officer and the company is now trading as a limited company - Technology House (Tees Valley) Limited. Ranjit said: "I'd definitely recommend the Bridges & Routes scheme to anyone. It gives you the chance to carry out a project for a real company and get paid while you're doing it.

“Even if you're not lucky enough to get a job with the same firm afterwards, it's still something to put on your CV. I've learnt a lot since I began working here. I've given presentations about our services, and even delivered training inside a prison to the staff! The scheme has kept me in the region and winning a prize has made it even more rewarding."

Elaine Galloway, owner-manager of the company, said: "Ranj provided the expertise which allowed us to set up the first on-line shorthand service through Bridges & Routes. It was a fantastic opportunity for us both. The shorthand training system is now being used successfully by journalists and personal assistants all over the country." For more information about the Bridges & Routes scheme, which is funded by the European Social Fund and is open to graduates from all Universities, contact Gilly Hall, Project Manager, at the University of Teesside's Department of Academic Enterprise on 01642 384426 or email:

This year Business Link sponsored the £100 first prize, with the Federation of Small Businesses donating the £50 second prize, and the Cleveland Accredited Training Centre Ltd giving the £25 third prize.

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