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Jeremy’s first class career move

18 November 2004


Jeremy Alderson has managed to juggle a full-time job with a full-time degree.

The juggling act has paid off with Jeremy achieving a First Class degree at the University of Teesside and the Teesside Science Award. He will receive both at his graduation today.

Jeremy, 40, from New Marske, has worked for DupontSASA (formerly ICI) for 23 years. Based at the Wilton chemical processing site, the firm creates Melinar – an important chemical used to in plastic bottles. Beginning his working life as a plant operator, Jeremy has progressed to a Chemical Engineer. For the last three years he has also studied for BEng (Hons) Computer Aided Chemical Engineering degree.

Jeremy said: “I was offered the chance to do the course by one of the managers here, and I jumped at it. DupontSA sponsored me through the course while I worked on a flexi-time basis. It meant I could go to lectures but I did have to make up the hours. It was very hard at times, but if you want it enough, you can do it. But I’ll admit that I’m relived it’s all over now!

“It’s been a very good career move for me. I’m now involved in plant design, fault finding and ensuring that the piping and pump systems all work correctly.”

Jeremy is married to Toni, a nurse and has two children, Gary, 21 a plumber, and Samantha, 18, a hairdresser.

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