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Daniel’s triple success

18 November 2004


Daniel Meggs has scored a hat trick . Not only has the 22 year old earned a First Class degree from the University of Teesside, he has also clinched a job with a leading local firm and won the Henry Williams Technical Academic Award.

Daniel, from Seaton Carew, studied the BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree after his interest in computers was sparked while studying at Hartlepool Sixth Form College.

During his degree he spent a year on placement at Huntsman, based at the Wilton international site.

Daniel has now returned to Wilton, where he works for SembCorp Utilities UK Ltd as an IT Graduate. SembCorp Utilities UK, which employs around 600 people, provides utilities such as steam and electricity plus a wide range of services to many of the ‘blue chip’ companies on the 2000-acre site including Huntsman, INVISTA, Dow and DuPontSA. IT is one of the company’s in house services and among the functions is a 180-person contact centre, OC5, which operates on behalf of Centrica.

Daniel said: “I had a really good time at University. The equipment was all up to date and the lecturers were really helpful. The Learning Resource Centre was particularly useful – I practically lived there during my final year.

“Getting the Academic award was a complete surprise. I was in totally shock when the letter came telling me I’d won. It’s a great recognition and I’m really pleased about winning it.

“I’m enjoying my job a lot. My main responsibilities are towards the internal intra-net. Here at SembCorp, all of our computers’ applications are operated via the web so there is a lot of work and planning to do. As well as developing the web, we also provide the IT support and work on the Performance Management system, which helps assess bonus payments. It’s quite a responsibility – people won’t be very happy with me if I get that wrong!”

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