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Business Degree proves a sound investment for Helen

17 August 2000


Helen Johnson hasn't looked back since graduating from the University of Teesside with a BA (Hons) degree in Business Studies, as she is now working as an Operations Analyst in Canary Wharf, London. She is employed by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co, a global financial services firm, with offices in Frankfurt, Milan, and Hong-Kong.

Helen, 24, is originally from Darlington, and left Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College with 'A' levels in English Literature, Law, and German. Helen said: "I wanted to study Business and had two choices, Luton or Teesside. I'm glad I chose Teesside, it's a really friendly University. The course was brilliant, the finance elements were important and there's a lot of variety, which keeps your interest going. Double entry book-keeping and the communications aspects are always useful.

"The tutors were very supportive and the Learning Resource Centre was really easy to work in. The Students' Union had a good atmosphere as well."

Helen spent a year in industry, working for Whitfields financial advisers in Darlington. Helen said: "The year was invaluable as I gained work experience and a good knowledge of investment trusts, which I examined in my final year dissertation. The dissertation actually helped me to get my current job, as I interviewed a range of people from the City and became interested in investment banking as a career."

During her final year Helen sent her CV to several major banks and clinched the post with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co following a day-long interview. "I was very surprised to get the post, I couldn't believe it. I was shaking for about 20 minutes afterwards. Life in London is fantastic."

Helen is currently processing dividends for clients all over Europe, and will later move into the area of pensions and trading for pension funds. She eventually aims to become a city trader. She is the daughter of Derek and Brenda Johnson of Rushyford, County Durham.

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