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Time travel through the attic for Edgar

17 February 2006


Edgar Readman read in a local newspaper that the University of Teesside was celebrating the 75th anniversary of the opening of Constantine College in Middlesbrough, its original educational predecessor. The article sparked a journey down memory lane for Edgar.

Edgar’s attic stored two original invitations to the Constantine opening on 2 July 1930, which was undertaken by the then Prince of Wales, who would later abdicate as Edward VIII. In addition, the attic contained the 1930 brochure which commemorated Constantine’s opening. And Edgar’s Constantine connection continued, as he is a former student of the college, both as a young teenager and later as an apprentice engineer.

Edgar, 76, from Saltburn, was given the invitations and brochure by his late mother, Violet. They were passed on to Violet by her father Charles Ruff, who attended the opening. Back in 1930 Charles worked in Middlesbrough as a licensed victualler, selling beer, wines and spirits.

Edgar said: “I remember Grandpa Ruff very well; he was like a father to me as my Dad was a Master Mariner and often away at sea. I went everywhere with Grandpa. The brochure and invitations have been in my attic for many years. When I read about the 75th anniversary I went and looked at the brochure again, it was fascinating. There’s an artist’s impression of Newport Bridge. I was a bystander when it was opened by the Duke of York, later King George VI, in 1934.”

Constantine College played a large part in Edgar’s education, as he first enrolled there in 1942. Edgar said: “I failed my 11 plus but was given a second chance at 13. I remember sitting the examination in the main hall and thought it was absolutely wonderful to pass. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there; my favourite subjects were sport, technical drawing and Physics. The only drawback was most of our Masters were nearing retirement as all the young men were at war and some of them didn’t inspire you.”

Edgar returned to Constantine from 1946-49 to complete a part-time motor engineering course, while serving his apprenticeship in Stockton. He went on to work as an engineer, mainly in the South West of England. Edgar and wife Audrey returned to the Tees Valley 35 years ago. He retired in 1994 and has three children and five grandchildren.

After reading the brochure, Edgar contacted the University and came in to meet the University’s Alumni Officer. He was also invited to one of the University’s graduation ceremonies as a VIP guest. Edgar said: “As I grew older and returned to the area to see family, I saw Constantine keep developing from the outside into a University. Now I’ve been inside, it’s completely different to what I knew, just another world.”

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