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Shafkat accounts for success at Teesside

By Clearing

01 August 2006


International students play an active role in life at the University of Teesside and one such student has even used his sporting prowess to benefit the University and a professional cricket team.

Shafkat Mahbub, 21, is from the Bangladeshi capital city of Dhaka. Shafkat has recently completed the BA (Hons) Accounting with IT degree course and is a lifelong cricket enthusiast. Playing for the University team as an off-spinner, he bagged a hat-trick against the York St. John University team as well as playing at professional level.

Shafkat said: “I wanted to study in the North East of England because it was an area I hadn’t been to before. The course and the area are spot on. It was a bit of a culture shock at first but I adjusted really quickly. I’ve made lots of friends here and settled in really quickly. I’ve even picked up a Teesside accent!

“I’m already applying for jobs, both in the UK and back in Bangladesh. I know my parents would like me to return home but I now see Middlesbrough as home as well. My friends in Bangladesh have only heard about London, so they always get mixed up about where Middlesbrough is. In Bangladesh, everything revolves around the capital city, so they think it’s the same in England. I’m hoping Middlesbrough Football Club will have more international success and help put the town on the map!”

During his course, Shafkat took part in a one year work placement with Copeland Borough Council in Cumbria. As well as working in the Accountancy Services Department, Shafkat also played cricket for Whitehaven Cricket Club in the Northern Lancashire and Cumbrian League. During his time with the club, he played in matches alongside South African test bowler Andre Nel and Kenyan captain Steve Tikolo.

Shafkat said: “The council placement was a major part of the course for me. It gives you so much experience. It’s one thing to read about it, but it’s another thing to do it. The experience has been a massive help during my third year. I understand the theories better because I’ve had a chance to put them into practice and see how they work in the real world.”

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