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Game on at Teesside

By Clearing

01 August 2006


A recent University of Teesside graduate is encouraging other people to get into games and computing at Teesside. Steve Kay, 21, from Sheffield, has recently graduated from the BA (Hons) Computer Games Design degree.

He said: “The University is great! I’d definitely encourage anyone to study here. If someone's interested in computing, Teesside more than likely has something for them. Being surrounded by such a strong presence of designers and animators can really help to get you inspired.

“I chose to study Computer Games Design because it offered a variety of modules such as games design, animation and creative writing, rather than being targeted at one area in particular. I chose the University of Teesside because the course seemed to be perfect for what I wanted to do, and the University itself already had a good reputation for its modern IT facilities.

“Its facilities are very modern and in other areas the university is also very well organised, such as the assessment system and the student societies. The IT facilities were of the most importance to me, and they are very impressive. With such modern courses as Games and Animation such technology is essential so it was great to have access to it.

“In addition to this, the course structure was very well thought-out, as it allowed us to tailor our degree to better suit our personal desires. The support services are well publicised around the university so that anyone who feels that they need some support can feel comfortable approaching the staff.”

Steve displayed his final year project, a 3D animated film called Tales from Sherwood City, at the University’s first expoTEES event – a showcase of computing projects from final year students. The event was attended by local MP Dr Ashok Kumar who was personally invited by Steve.

In a glowing tribute to the work of the students, Dr Kumar said: “Excellent work. All of the students have done well. I’m most impressed and I wish them all great and happy careers in the future. I also hope the name of the University of Teesside continues to flourish in years to come.”

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