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Beat the distraction burglars

08 August 2006


A specialist police team dealing with distraction burglaries has joined forces with the University of Teesside to host an awareness raising event this week. Distraction burglars pretend to be salespeople or tradesmen to keep the householder talking at the front door, while an accomplice enters the property from the back.

Two identical seminars will be held from 9am-12noon and 1pm-4pm on Friday 11th August in Room H.01 of the University’s Centuria Building, Victoria Road, Middlesbrough.

Anyone with concerns about distraction burglaries and so-called doorstep crime or carers for older or vulnerable people is welcome to attend.

Ex Detective Chief Superintendent Brian Steele is a guest speaker.

If you are interested in attending this FREE event, contact Jayne Villiers at the University of Teesside on 01642 384280.

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