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Duo log on for Teesside laptops

04 April 2007


A pair of University of Teesside students has received welcome news. Both have won a Toshiba Pro L10 laptop in a University on-line competition. To enter, they wrote a few details into the university website and simply pressed the ‘submit’ button. The lucky students are Kevin Robinson and Deborah Flanagan, who were selected from nearly 5,000 entries.

Kevin Robinson from Saltburn is a first year student on the University’s Higher National Diploma in Web Design. Winning the laptop came at precisely the right time for Kevin, as his computer was broken. Kevin, 27, from Saltburn, lives with partner Alys and their one-year old son Joshua.

Kevin said: “I saw the competition on the University’s web site and quickly entered. I couldn’t believe it when I found out I had won, I rang up to check straight away. It’s saved me a lot of money as I needed to buy a laptop with my PC being broken. It’s definitely going to help with my studies and I want to progress onto a degree.”

Mother-of-three Deborah Flanagan is the second of the laptop winners. Deborah, 41, from Middlesbrough, is in the second year of a Midwifery degree.

Deborah said: “When I came back for my second year I entered the laptop competition but then forgot all about it. My two older daughters were bought a laptop for Christmas by their Nanna and I was really jealous. Then I received the e-mail saying I’d won the laptop, I thought it was my husband Shaun winding me up!

“I’ve now got a laptop of my very own, as the girls won’t let me use theirs! For my course work it’ll be brilliant, I can just shut myself off in the bedroom instead of typing on the PC in our freezing cold utility room at the back of the house. My hands used to get numb with only a calor gas fire to keep me warm.”

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