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Students provide window to the world for Zoe’s Place

19 June 2007


A new website for Zöe’s Place, the Middlesbrough-based hospice for babies and infants with life-limiting illnesses, has been designed by students at the University of Teesside.

The Normanby-based hospice teamed up with Master’s degree students at the University, who had to compete in teams to design a site that met their needs. That competitive element, along with the opportunity to work for such a worthwhile cause, helped motivate student Ben Kenyon, whose team designed the winning website.

Ben, 32, from Yarm said: “Each group consulted with the client several times throughout the year to find out what their requirements were, what kind of ‘look and feel’ they wanted the site to have and what kind of people visited the site.” We had to produce a prototype of the website around Christmas, which we presented to the client and asked for their feedback about the style and design.

“The client was particularly pleased that we had included a virtual tour, which allows people to look around the hospice online. Obviously, we were delighted that our site was chosen, but the entire module has been really enjoyable and a fantastic challenge.”

Ben is a student on the MA Creative Digital Media course and worked with team members Mark Dickinson, Susan Anderson, Jim Roberts and Sarra Thomopoulou to design the site for the hospice. Five other groups took part in the module, entitled ‘Client & User-Centred Solutions.’

Mark Guidery, Chief Executive of Zöe’s Place said: “This project has been a real godsend for a hospice like ours and I was thrilled to have been part of it. The website will create a window that will allow people to look in and see what Zöe’s Place is all about, providing reassurance for our mums and dads. I have the utmost admiration for the students who took part, and learnt so much myself about web design, use of colour and making the site as accessible as possible. It really was a tough decision choosing the winning site and I would like to thank everyone who took part for their hard work and dedication.”

Myriam Mallet, Senior Lecturer said: “The module aims to provide students with the opportunity to get involved in realistic consultancy and project management activities, where they are producing and reflecting on something real that will actually add value to their client’s business. Although Ben’s group was chosen as the overall winner, every group made a significant contribution to the module and were highly motivated to work with the hospice. Zöe’s Place have been fantastic clients to work for and their enthusiasm for the project has been paramount to provide a rich student experience.”

A special event to mark the launch of the new website, which can be viewed at, will take place at the hospice on Monday 25 June 2007 at 11am.

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