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Role play to test trainee police officers

13 June 2008


Police officers will be on the beat at a Stockton shopping park as part of their training at the University.

The 20 trainee Cleveland Police officers, who are approaching the end of 30 weeks at the University on the Foundation Degree in Police Studies, will take part in assessed role plays at Teesside Shopping Park, off the A66, on Wednesday, June 18.

A series of incidents will be mocked up during the day, to see how the trainee officers cope in situations similar those they are likely to face when they return to their police districts.

Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP) assessors will observe the trainee officers to see how they deal with different scenarios. Specially trained actors will take on roles in various guises.

On the beat PC Nigel Grey, Foundation Degree trainer at the University, said: ‘They will be on patrol in situations which will be very similar to when they are out in their districts.

‘This is invaluable as it is giving them experience of policing in a real situation. Role play is held as part of the course on the University campus, but this will take them out of their comfort zone and put them in the public domain.’

He added: ‘The training assessors will observe the students, with the actors involved in the scenarios also able to give the students feedback too.

‘We’ve not created anything outside the realms of possibility. It is situations which they would come across on a daily basis.’

He explained carrying out the assessed role plays at the shopping centre is part of a multi-agency approach to training.

Mike Clarke, Teesside Shopping Park’s manager, said: ‘We are delighted to be hosting this event with the University and Cleveland Police. We take safety and security of our staff and customers very seriously and we appreciate that this is a very valuable training exercise.’

Police Studies foundation degree The two-year foundation degree in Police Studies combines on the beat training with academic work. It started in 2004 and is the first of its kind in the UK.

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