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Taylor clan celebrate graduation at Teesside

15 December 2009


Graduation at Teesside University was a real family affair for Clare Taylor and two of her three children.

Clare and daughter Sara graduated from the University’s School of Social Sciences & Law on the same day – while her son Jon graduated from the School of Computing on the first day of the University’s Academic Awards ceremonies.

Clare, 42, of Stockton, completed an Early Years Sector endorsed foundation degree and is now progressing to degree level. Sara, 22, graduated from the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies while Jon, 20, completed a HND Web Design.

Having worked as a primary school teaching assistant for 17 years, Clare decided to return to education herself to boost her employment skills.

Clare, who completed her Teesside University course at Riverside College, said: 'I wanted to return to education for my own personal development as I didn’t go to university when I left school. It was hard juggling work, study and being a mum, but we kept each other going. I really enjoyed it and I’m now going to continue my studies to degree level.

'There was a wide range of ages on the course and it wasn’t until I started the course that I realised just how much practical experience I brought with me. Having my own children too meant that I had all-round experience, but it was great to share ideas with everyone on the course.'

Sara, who also works as a primary school teaching assistant and school clerk, said: 'All of my tutors were extremely helpful, particularly Geraldine Oliver and Ewan Ingleby. I really enjoyed the course and I do feels it will be advantageous when seeking future employment.'

Clare, who is also mum to 16-year-old Niki, a drama student at Riverside College, added: 'It was really great to be completing our studies at the same time as we were able to support each other. It was also really lovely to have Sara and Jon both studying close to home.

'The School of Computing has been really well recognised for years, but the University of the Year award will now mean the rest of Teesside University will be just as well known.'

Jon said: 'The facilities in the School of Computing and the University’s Library were really good and the tutors were very helpful.'

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