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Graduate dance duo step out in full swing

05 August 2011


A new Teesside dance and performing arts business made its professional debut in April and is continuing its creative success in leaps and bounds.

Full Swing was formed by Teesside University BA (Hons) Dance graduates Rachel Highfield, 21, from Normanby, Middlesbrough and Laura Morgan, 21, from Warrington.

Rachel and Laura were in the first cohort of the Dance degree and both have fulfilled long-term ambitions by forming their own business.

Rachel said: 'I’ve wanted to do this for years. When Laura and I met we clicked and decided to set up the business in the final year of the degree. I wanted to bring dance and performing arts into the community and everyone is welcome. Our youngest students are aged four and we don’t have an age limit, as long as you’re fit and healthy. It’s not a competition; we want it to be an enjoyable experience that boosts confidence.'

The dramatic duo deliver their classes at Corpus Christi Primary School, Middlesbrough on weekday evenings, apart from Tuesday when they are based at North Ormesby Community Centre.

Laura said: 'The name Full Swing is very ‘us’, we created it from scratch and backed ourselves 100% financially. We’re aiming to deliver a high quality class with a sense of fun. The classes feature a range of dance skills, including jazz and street and we’re introducing ballet and tap in the autumn.

'There are different drama techniques such as mime and some singing, so the students can experience a full performing arts environment. As Rachel says, we’re offering the classes to children and adults. The children and their parents who attend have said they’ve had lots of fun and ask what they’ll be doing next week.'

Full Swing’s classes costs range from £2.50 to £4, with sibling discounts. For more details call 078852 65697, email or check their website at

They are both looking forward to their graduations at Middlesbrough Town Hall in November. Laura said: 'I came here as the degree sounded interesting and I always wanted to develop dance in different parts of the community. It was a really good course; we were encouraged to keep pushing ourselves to achieve our goals. My parents Bev and Chris aren’t surprised we’ve set up Full Swing and they’ve both supported me.'

Rachel said: 'We were given lots of opportunities with guest lecturers from different countries. In our first year Wayne Sleep came to watch us dance, it was good to show him the local growing dance talent. My parents Antoinette and John are very proud of me and encouraged the business.'

Laura is a former student of William Beamont High School and Priestley College, both in Warrington, and Rachel is a former Eston Park and Prior Pursglove student.

Martin Pout, Assistant Dean in the School of Arts & Media, said: 'The BA (Hons) Dance degree here at Teesside was designed to give graduates the skills and knowledge to not only become a better performer but also work in the many diverse roles available to a professional dancer. I am delighted that Laura and Rachel are already finding tremendous success and utilising their talent and skills in the local community.'

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