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Matt makes his mark in hospitality

26 January 2012


Returning to education after starting work in hospitality gave Matt Scott a real thirst for learning.

Matt, 22, of Middleton-in-Teesdale, is among graduates who will graduate today with a Teesside University accredited course completed at the University’s higher education centre at Darlington College.

The manager of the Rose and Crown Hotel at Romaldkirk, near Barnard Castle, achieved a first class BA (Hons) BA Business Management (Hospitality).

Matt said: 'Having started work at hotel part-time while completing my A-levels, I took a full-time job when the opportunity came up. Although working full-time, I also wanted to continue to study for professional reasons.'

He completed a foundation degree in hospitality management before progressing to the Teesside University accredited degree.

Matt said: 'I worked full-time while completing the degree. It all related to what we were doing in the workplace, providing a great combination of theory and practical skills. I was able to put what I’d learned immediately into practice through my work.

'I feel it’s really helped me professionally and helped me to progress through roles at the hotel, from my very first job waiting through to duty manager, to manager.'

He added: 'Studying a subject relevant to your work shows that you are really interested in what you are doing. It was tough combining study and a full-time job, and the social life does go on hold for a while, but the hard work is really worth it.'

Matt, who also received the Darlington College Principal’s Award, said: 'I’m considering a master’s degree at a later date but before then, I’m continuing other studies relating to my work, starting with an advanced wine diploma. I’ve really developed a thirst for learning.

'I always knew I wanted to work in hospitality, my mum runs a restaurant and holiday cottages. I could have gone to university at an earlier age, but I wouldn’t have the professional experience to go with the qualification, so probably wouldn’t be where I am now.'

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