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Sylvia’s First-Class prize success

03 January 2001


It was double celebrations for Sylvia Taylor when she graduated from the University of Teesside, as she achieved a First Class BA (Hons) degree in Business Management, and gained the 3M Prize. The latter prize is awarded for excellent performance in business and management related to the manufacturing industry.

Sylvia, 42, of Fairfield Close, Fairfield, Stockton, said: “I was thrilled to get a First and a prize. It wasn’t always easy fitting in study with my family life and a part-time job, and I had to make some sacrifices but it’s been worth it.”

Sylvia is originally from Staffordshire and moved to Teesside in 1981. She worked in school administration, including Stockton Sixth Form, where her older daughter is now a student. Sylvia’s husband Robert and daughters Emma, 16, and Naomi, 14, attended her graduation.

After achieving National Vocational Qualifications in Business Administration at Stockton-Billingham College, Sylvia enrolled at Teesside. Throughout her degree she worked part-time in the University’s Learning Resource Centre (LRC). Sylvia added: “There was a diverse range of business areas in the course. I particularly enjoyed one module where I compared Teesside’s LRC with those in other Universities, and visited them as part of the study.”

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