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Re-think your company Packaging and Waste!

04 January 2001


If your company needs help is assessing its obligations in meeting packaging and waste regulations, or the options in meeting the regulations, then a new workshop might be just what you need.

The ‘Packaging Waste Regulations’ workshop takes place at the University of Teesside’s Food Technology Centre on Thursday 25 January, 2001.

The event includes presentations, an exhibition and case histories, as well as a delegate pack which features summaries of presentations, and relevant details for registration and meeting the obligation. A quotation can be provided after the end of the workshop, at discount rates.

The day begins at 9am in the University’s Centre for Enterprise in Victoria Road, Middlesbrough and concludes at 4.30pm. Lunch is provided at 1.30pm. Three workshops will be run, with places limited to 15 per workshop. All those attending will receive a copy of the DETR Packaging Waste Regulations Summary and Self-Assessment form.

To book your place please call Julia in the Food Technology Centre on 01642 342441, e-mail: or fax: 01642 342508. The price for attending one workshop is £60 and for two it is £95. There is a discount of 10% if there is more than one delegate from any one company.

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