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Hostage Negotiation spotlighted at Teesside

29 June 2000


The skillful area of hostage negotiation will be explored from an American perspective at the University of Teesside on Tuesday 4 July from 10am-4pm. A workshop session will be held in the University's Centre for Police Research and Education (CPRE), based within the School of Social Sciences, and presented by Dr Pete Divasto of the University of New Mexico, USA.

The workshop will centre on issues concerning hostage negotiation. Dr Divasto, a leading expert in this area, will discuss specific cases and the role of the psychologist in law enforcement. He will also concentrate on issues such as third party intermediaries and negotiating with the anti-social personality.

Colin Dunnighan, Director of the CPRE said: "Dr Divasto is a psychologist with an internationally recognised expertise in this area who has been involved in a number of high-profile American cases. He works on a regular basis for law enforcement agencies both in New Mexico and elsewhere. Delegates to the seminar will include to hostage negotiators and senior police officers who may manage hostage situations as well as psychologists and criminologists."

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