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Something for everyone during Adult Learners’ Week at Teesside

16 May 2000


Are you a football fan with a head for business or global politics? Or are you more concerned about the environmental impact of Genetically Modified foods or someone interested in becoming a social worker?

If so, then the programme of talks and events being hosted by the University of Teesside in Middlesbrough to mark Adult Learners’ Week should grab your interest, from Saturday 20 May to Friday 26 May, 2000.

Programme co-ordinator Jack Hudson explained: "We’ve put together something to interest everyone and we hope many people will pop along and find out that knowledge can be fun and also realise the relevance of academic study to the real world.

"For example, on Sunday (21 May, from 11am to 12noon) we will consider whether international politics is represented as much on the playing field as in the negotiating chamber in ‘War Minus the Shooting: Sport and Politics in the 21st Century’. Continuing with the sporting theme, is a talk on the changing nature of the football business in ‘Rising from the Ashes: The Economic Regeneration of Middlesbrough Football Club’ on Wednesday (24 May, from 6pm to 7pm). Both these talks take place in Room A2.021 in the Clarendon Building," said Jack.

Other talks include ‘The Wonders of the Mind’ by psychologist Helen Dudiak on Sunday 21 May from 12 noon and the chance to find out whether social work is for you – on Monday 22 May from 6pm to 7pm.

Professor Janet Bainbridge, Director of the University’s School of Science & Technology and a Government advisor on novel foods, will provide plenty of food for thought in her talk on ‘The Great GM Debate ‘ on Tuesday 22 May, at 6.30pm.

On top of the talks, there will be plenty of opportunities to surf the Internet and to find about the University’s Summer College – which provides a well tried and tested route back into education for mature students. There will be help and advice on hand for anyone considering doing a part-time or full-time course at University

For a copy of the full programme of the free events, drop into the University’s Student Centre – same entrance as the Clarendon Building (behind The Dickens Inn public house) or write to Jack Hudson, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough TS1 3BA; or telephone 01642 384223.

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