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Master’s graduate looks into dangers of legal highs

02 January 2014


A forensic science graduate used her final year project to delve deeper into the dangers of legal highs.

Yvonne Thompson, who graduated from Teesside University with an MSc Forensic Science with distinction, researched the contents of a range of widely available synthetic cannabis to try and establish the true dangers of such drugs.

Her work has led her to be nominated for a national forensic science award.

During her project Yvonne found two samples which contained cannabis and six products that contained substances that mimic the effects of cannabis.

She said: 'There is a lack of information about legal highs and specifically their exact contents. Sometimes what is in them can in fact be as dangerous as illegal drugs.

'This has been a really interesting project that will hopefully lead to more people being aware of the dangers of legal highs.'

Yvonne, 26, is originally from Glasgow but now lives in Ingleby Barwick. Her future plans include progressing on to a PhD which will allow her to continue her research and eventually become a lecturer.

She added: 'The course at Teesside has really inspired me and I have had a fantastic experience here.

'I really enjoyed graduation. It was an incredibly proud moment – my husband and parents were there – I just wish my dog was allowed to come along as well.'

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