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High flyer Gary’s determination to study at Teesside

07 November 2014


Law student Gary Holden is going that extra mile in studying at Teesside University.

Gary, who is studying the Law (LLB) Hons degree part-time, travels from Belfast to Teesside for lectures, often several times a week.

When he started the degree at Teesside University almost four years ago, Gary was working in air traffic control at Durham Tees Valley Airport. But just a few months into the degree, job uncertainty in the aviation industry led to him moving to the same job in Ireland.

Determined to continue his studies, Gary took the option of flying across the Irish Sea in between shifts in Belfast, to ensure he kept up to date with the degree course.

Gary said: 'I’d always wanted to study law and although I love my job in air traffic control, job uncertainty and past redundancies led me to look towards a back-up plan.

'Everyone needs a lawyer at some point, from buying a house to consumer issues or seeking advice on their rights and it’s an area I’ve always been interested in.'

Gary, 31, who is originally from Troon in Scotland, said: 'I chose Teesside not only for its location, as I was then working in the area, but also as it offers the law degree part-time over four years.

'It’s been tough going, especially as my job took me to Wales during my first year of the degree and with the travel to and from Belfast, but the experience I’m gaining through the practical aspects of the degree has been invaluable.'

Gary is also involved in Teesside University Law Clinic, which offers free legal advice and representation to the local community, while providing law students practical experience of handling legal cases.

'There’s a good mix of people from all ages and different backgrounds on the degree, from younger students to those seeking to change career and I’ve found Teesside University to be really supportive. The lecturers are so approachable and so flexible,' said Gary.

There’s an opportunity to learn more about part-time and postgraduate study at an Open Day at Teesside University’s main Middlesbrough campus from 2.00pm to 7.00pm on Wednesday 12 November.

Whether considering further study to change career, enhance employability or simply to learn new skills, there are a wide range of courses on offer. The University offers opportunities at certificate level through to undergraduate and postgraduate level.

University staff and students will be available to offer advice on applications, careers and funding. Book a place online or contact 01642 342275.

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