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A look through the gynaecological keyhole

25 January 2000


Mr Ray Garry, Consultant Gynaecologist at South Tees Acute Hospital will give his inaugural lecture as the University of Teesside’s School of Health Simon Professor of Gynaecological Surgery on Wednesday 2 February at 6.30pm in the Europa Building (University Cinema) on Woodlands Road, Middlesbrough.

His lecture ‘Seeing women through the keyhole: a gynaecologist's view of endoscopic surgery’ will take a hi-tech look at the techniques of minimal access surgery, known as keyhole surgery.

Professor Garry will also illustrate how technical advances in optics, electronics and the latest multi-media imaging techniques help make surgery more accurate, less disfiguring and painful, and minimises the size and discomfort of surgical wounds.

The lecture is free. For more details contact Mark White, University of Teesside on 01642 342004.

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