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Packed programme for Adult Learners' Week

01 May 2001


The University of Teesside has a busy programme of events during Adult Learners' Week - from Saturday 12 May to Friday 18 May - with the emphasis very much on practical interactive workshops and providing a taste of higher education.

Adult Learners’ Week is a national initiative to widen access to learning opportunities and encourage adults to return to study. The events at the University start with a general advice and guidance session between 10am and 3pm on Saturday 12 May, held on the second floor of the Student Centre (entrance behind the Dickens pub, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough).

Monday 14 May offers some interesting events, including ‘First Impressions – False Impressions’ at 1-2pm in Room A2.023 Clarendon Building, with mature students telling what it like to study at university.

There are a number of sessions around the theme of ‘Who’s Afraid of the World Wide Web’ and even the chance to be your own film critic, which takes place in the Lecture Theatre of the Innovation and Virtual Reality Centre, between 2-3pm on Tuesday 15 May.

On Wednesday (16 May) there is an open evening on Masters programmes in Psychology and Social Sciences in Room A1.005 on the first floor of the Clarendon Building.

On Thursday (17 May) there’s an opportunity to find out about the range of courses offered by the Summer University – which runs short courses between June and September for people wanting a taste a higher education. The talk takes place in Room A.2009, second floor Clarendon Building. Also on Thursday is a session exploring youth crime entitled 'The trouble with kids today' - in Room A2.004/5 in the Clarendon Building between 3pm and 5pm. There is also the chance to hear about the opportunities for lifelong and workplace learning, which takes place between 6-7pm on the second floor of the Student Centre.

On Friday, learndirect will be explaining what the University of Industry’s new on-line learning opportunities are all about in the Learning Resource Centre, Southfield Road, Middlesbrough - drop-in and find-out from 9am to 5pm.

Dr Margaret Noble, Director of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, said: "The events during Adult Learners' Week provide a good cross section of the kinds of the things on offer and give people a taste of University life. I am sure there is something to interest everyone."

There is a lot more happening across the campus and details are available from the University's Centre for Lifelong Learning, tel either Middlesbrough 384277 or 384278 or e-mail

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