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Teesside University academic runs 2000 miles to raise money for the NHS

04 March 2022


Teesside University academic Dr Ben Lamb is raising thousands of pounds for local hospitals after being inspired by Captain Tom Moore’s heroic efforts.

Teesside University academic Dr Ben Lamb
Teesside University academic Dr Ben Lamb

Dr Lamb set himself a challenge of running 2000 miles in a year in aid of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Lamb, Research Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Media, in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Law, said: ‘I worked out I would need to run 40 miles a week, giving myself two weeks’ leeway. I soon became a regular feature pounding the pavements over a 10 mile route, four times a week, with people waving and beeping at me in my red running top.

‘I caught Covid myself back in October so to continue my run I ran on the spot at home and tracked it using a step counter. Thanks to this, I was able to complete more than 100 miles over my isolation period.

‘Over the last 12 months we all know that special somebody in our lives who has fallen ill and in their greatest hour of need required help from the most selfless workforce our country has ever known.

‘I was so inspired by the scenes of Captain Tom walking up and down his garden, his fundraising efforts, and so moved by his tragic passing that I wanted to be able to do something for the NHS services where I live, specifically the North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.

Dr Lamb is over halfway towards his target of raising £2,000, which is a pound for every mile he has run.

‘I have been incredibly humbled by staff and student support so far. My fellow teaching staff have been very generous indeed. The students however, wow, I have seen some particularly large sums which means an awful lot to me, given how I’ve only mentioned the fundraising in passing and I know how limited people’s finances can be at this stage in their life.’

Dr Lamb said he is now looking for ideas for another potential fundraising venture. Although he said, having run more than 2,000 miles, it is unlikely to involve running.

‘If I do raise money, it’ll definitely be for the Ukraine relief effort and the horrendous humanitarian tragedy unravelling there.’

Every penny spent at the North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust Charitable Fund is used to enhance patient care.

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