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Join the consumer watchdog pack

21 July 2000


Consumer watchdogs have issued a call out for new blood to join the pack.

With a national shortage in Trading Standards Officers, the University of Teesside's degree course in Consumer Science and Consumer Law is just the shot in the arm for this gap in the market.

John Whisson, the Course Leader at Teesside said: "We have received advertisements for positions all around the country but not enough students to fill them. The course at Teesside is only one of four in the country that also provides exemptions from the professional qualification - the Diploma in Trading Standards - so our graduates are getting a head start in their careers. This is helped by the Government's new strategy of providing cash to trading standards departments to sponsor and train more students."

Anyone considering a career change or wanting to apply but are unsure if they would qualify to start the course this September should contact either John Whisson or Sandra Joyce at the University on 01642 342499 or call in to the School of Science & Technology for more details.

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