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Talented teenagers sign up for an excellent Summer School

10 July 2001


Over 100 bright and talented North-East teenagers will take part in the University of Teesside's first Excellence in Cities Summer School, from Monday 16 July-Friday 20 July, as part of the Government's new Excellence in Cities initiative. Teesside is one of the first North-East Universities to host the scheme. The pupils, aged 15 and 16, have recently completed their GCSEs and their places on the scheme were secured by their academic ability. They will have access to the University's facilities throughout the week.

One of the pupils' activities is to undertake a group project, designing a course for 2020 AD, focusing on marketing, career opportunities and employability. Each day the students will also take part in debate sessions. The students' GCSE subjects and future AS levels have been matched to the debate subjects, which include:

  • Counterfeit goods: harmless or a threat to society?
  • The legalisation of drugs - should all drugs which are currently illegal be legalised?
  • Taking the drama out of teenage pregnancy - can sex and relationship education improve considerably?
The pupils will also complete academic challenges, including:
  • Build and design a computer game
  • Exploring disability issues in society, based in the School of Health's Occupational Therapy laboratories.
  • How to become a business entrepreneur.
The pupils will complete a Big-Brother style video, giving their opinions on the Summer School. It won't be all work and no play for the group of 100, as they will also enjoy two Social evenings, a Mexican style meal and bowling at Teesside Park.

Sharon Young, Excellence in Cities Summer School Co-ordinator said: "We are looking forward to working with gifted and talented students from across the North-East. The Summer School will offer an exciting and varied week of activities, which will raise the students' aspirations and motivate them towards further study."

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